A great number of myths have been perpetuated about the way of life in Africa before the arrival of Europeans and Americans on the continent. Some historians have the view that Africans were little more than barbarians whose main contribution to the world was the practice of agriculture and the ownership of slaves. This is not the case at all. Only Egypt is respected when historians write history, despite the fact that ancient African history is equally as intriguing, complicated, and advanced as any other ancient civilization. Almost without exception. Because of this mentality, historians from Europe and the United States have long held the belief that Africa and the people who lived in Africa did not have their own culture or history apart from what was given to them by external factors.

However, long before Europeans began colonizing Africa, the indigenous African people had already constructed kingdoms and monuments that were on par with those of any European ruler. Despite this, a significant portion of the history of black people in Africa has been falsified and neglected due to racial prejudice in order to provide an excuse for the slavery of millions of people for the sake of monetary gain. The ancient African kingdoms of Meroe, Ghana, and Swahili will be the focus of discussion, as will those nations’ significant contributions to the annals of history.

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