Our Vision

At make Africa great again(mAga), we envision Africa as a continent of excellence where the world looks at, for inspiration and leadership. An Africa United, where its people, cultures, and economies thrive

  • A United Africa

  • Peaceful and Safe Society

  • Africa sustainable growth, development and prosperity

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Recently asked questions

People are frequently asking some questions from us

Most-Asked Questions about mAga

Has Africa ever been great?

Yes! Africa has a rich and complex history that has evolved through time and space, and highlights the contribution of Africa to general progress of Humanity.

Unfortunately, there's a widerspread ignorance of Africa history. Our history is being neglected and overlooked. We're often presented with a distorted and partial picture.

By getting to know it's true history, today and future generations will develop a sense of self-esteem, self-confidence and dignity in their heritage. They will realise there's much to be proud of their past. A past which sets up the foundation for a brighter and greater future.

Is mAga a movement for black Africans?

We embrace all Africans from all races and socio-economic backgrounds living in the motherland(Africa) or abroad (Diaspora)

Is mAga associated with the Trump organisation?


How can I join the movement?

● Follow us on our social media platforms;
● Register to our Facebook community page and WhatsApp group;
● Registers to our mailist;

How can I contribute to the organisation?

● Share our posts on social media;
● Share ideas to develop Africa;
● Purchase our merchandises;
● Make donations;

Where/How to get our products/gadgets?

We are currently looking for ways to bring our products close to you.