Our Mission

We strive to act as a powerful and driving force to Africa rebirth and reconstruction to its greatness. Our goal is to mobilise, empower, and motivate all Africans(living abroad or within the continent) to unite as one and contribute to the sustainable development of Africa.

Our actions aim to improve 3 socio-economic fields: Education Culture and Sports

Among other things, we plan to:

》Teach and spread Africa original and complete history;

》 Preserve, promote, and celebrate Africa heritage and culture;

》Reignite and reinstate pride among Africans in their cultures and traditions;

》Contribute to reform and modernise the education system in Africa;

》Promote Unity and Peace in Africa through sports



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Recently asked questions

People are frequently asking some questions from us

Most-Asked Questions about mAga

Has Africa ever been great?

Yes! Africa has a rich and complex history that has evolved through time and space, and highlights the contribution of Africa to general progress of Humanity.

Unfortunately, there's a widerspread ignorance of Africa history. Our history is being neglected and overlooked. We're often presented with a distorted and partial picture.

By getting to know it's true history, today and future generations will develop a sense of self-esteem, self-confidence and dignity in their heritage. They will realise there's much to be proud of their past. A past which sets up the foundation for a brighter and greater future.

Is mAga a movement for black Africans?

We embrace all Africans from all races and socio-economic backgrounds living in the motherland(Africa) or abroad (Diaspora)

Is mAga associated with the Trump organisation?


How can I join the movement?

● Follow us on our social media platforms;
● Register to our Facebook community page and WhatsApp group;
● Registers to our mailist;

How can I contribute to the organisation?

● Share our posts on social media;
● Share ideas to develop Africa;
● Purchase our merchandises;
● Make donations;

Where/How to get our products/gadgets?

We are currently looking for ways to bring our products close to you.